Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Various types of snack...

Bakwan Udang

Bitter Ballen


Potato Kroket


Egg Martabak



Solo Sosis

Tahu Isi

Can be purchased units or large package...
Very suitable formeetings and wedding meal...

various types of cakes...

Black Forrest

Bolu Kukus


Marmer Cake

Agar Cake

Caramel Cake

Surabaya Lapis Cake

Lumpur Cake

Tart Cake

you can choose according to your tastes ...

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Tumpeng Package Catering

Tumpeng comes from the ancient tradition of Indonesian society that glorifies the mountain as the dwelling place of ancestral spirits (ancestors) and gods. The rice is printed conical shape is meant to imitate the sacred mountain. Celebration or festivity is a form of gratitude and thanks to the Almighty for the abundant harvest and other blessings. Because it has a value of gratitude and celebration, until now tumpeng often serves a birthday cake in celebration of the birthday party. In the festivity, celebration, or slametan, after reading a prayer, an unwritten tradition advocated cone tops cut off and given to the most important, most honorable, the most glory, or the most elder among the people in attendance. This is intended to show respect to that person. Then all the people who attended were invited to get together to enjoy the cone. With the cone society show gratitude and thanks to God at once celebrate togetherness and harmony

Tumpeng Nasi Kuning

Tumpeng Getuk

Dinta Arma Snack accept orders with 2 choices of menu Tumpeng Yellow & Tumpeng getuk, here are the details price :

TUMPENG CATERING PACKAGE : ( Tumpeng Kuning, Tumpeng Getuk )
  • For 10 person : Rp. 250.000,-
  • For 20 person : Rp. 350.000,-
  • For 30 person : Rp. 500.000,-
  • For 50 person : Rp. 800.000,-